Is it over already??? Man!! This year flew too quickly!! My baby has grown too fast, where did his sweet, precious first year go?
Looking back I am amazed at how much we've crammed into twelve months! I started this year with a new focus at teaching my children at home. I'm in awe of my Master's Hands in all that was accomplished within our lives, home and homeschooling. How wonderfully we have all grown this year, all thanks to our Heavenly Father's works in and through us, this most certainly could not be done without His grace, mercy and leading in our hearts.
I'm going to start with the new things we did this past year.
We planted a garden and got some good rewards!!
I love seeing their little hands harvesting the rewards of hard daily work!
Kenneth and I took our first vacation away from the kids. We went on a cruise to the Bahamas!!

We road on a glass-bottomed boat and saw fish on the reef.
We went para-sailing for the first time it was AMAZING!!

In our home most everything is still the same. Kenneth is still in school and making A's, he's awesome what can I say? It's been very hard not having him here in the evenings. I've had to let things go when I didn't want to. I've learned lessons on grace and humility. Kenneth learned how to somehow stretch his days where somehow he gets time with the boys and me! I don't know how he does it. I'm not going to sugar coat anything, its hard. The days that Ken is in school make for very LONG days, I'm usually exhausted and all used up. My prayer for my boys is that if they marry while still in college, that they wait until they are finished before having children.
Now with what we are learning in our homeschool. I'll start with my baby.
Denton has gone from an infant to a very funny toddler. He runs to keep up with his brothers. He says so many words and is now repeating new words and animal sounds. He loves to wrestle his brothers, he loves to provoke them! He is our best little eater and is addicted to his bottle. This amazes us because none of the other boys ever took to the bottle. He loves to play in the bath and shower and if we're not careful even the toilet!!
Evan is learning to write his name, he can verbally spell it! He is our storyteller, he comes up with the most wacky stories!! He loves to play with play doe, practice cutting on the lines and tracing lines and letters. He has become very good at playing with legos and builds great cars and planes. Its amazing how much the little ones learn from the older ones.
Now to what Clayton has learned this fall, as I've already shared what he learned in the spring. He was getting bored with printing so now we are working on cursive!! He has such wonderful penmanship!! He is doing good in math and will be starting on a 3rd grade math book soon!!
He has memorized countless history, grammar and science facts. He is currently working on a new reading program, I have him read 1 easier book out loud to me (this is to help him build his reading skills such as pausing at the end of sentences, and fluency). In the evenings if time allows he reads from a chapter book that is more challenging. Once he reads 15 books we do a special date or movie night!! I'm so very proud of him!!
He has memorized countless history, grammar and science facts. He is currently working on a new reading program, I have him read 1 easier book out loud to me (this is to help him build his reading skills such as pausing at the end of sentences, and fluency). In the evenings if time allows he reads from a chapter book that is more challenging. Once he reads 15 books we do a special date or movie night!! I'm so very proud of him!!
Thank you for letting me share this year with you. We are looking foreword to the coming year as we will be welcoming a new Leck in the summer!!