How good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry White Christmas!!

Well yet another Christmas has come and gone! Kenneth and I had a blast watching our boys greet the morning to sparkly gifts! Kenneth gave the boys remote controlled helicopters. The funny things is, is that they are for ages 14+!

The great thing about this is that Daddy enjoys playing with the helicopters and the boys love watching him too!!
I love watching my older boys love on baby brother, to me that is the best gift! I'm so grateful that my Heavenly father has chosen to bless me with the gift of a wonderful husband who loves to be with his family and three handsome gentle warriors!!

This Christmas most of our state was suprised with a white Christmas!!! We got abut 14" with snow drifts over 2 feet!! The song "White Christmas" was playing in my head, so was "Let it Snow"!! Kenneth took the boys out to play while he shoveled the driveway.

made a snow man.

made a hill to slide down,
while I stayed inside and took pictures of our sweet baby!

So all in all it was a wonderful Christmas, we were snowed in so we didn't have to do all the hustle and bustle of going from one place to another. I got Kenneth and our boys all to myself!! Thank you Jesus for this great gift!!!
As Denton's shirt reads, it was a great day to just "mallow out"!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

taste and see that the Lord is good ~ Psalm 34:8

Ok, so for the last 6 years I've battled Christmas. I didn't know how to teach my kids about this holiday without letting them become greedy, selfish, all about Santa kids. I wanted it to be Christ centered, but how do I do that? Of course there were other reasons as well, pagan traditions, lying about the fat man sneaking into your house at night to give gifts and all the financial stress. So, naturally, not doing the holiday sounded really great! The only problem was that my husband did not feel it had to be that negative, he wanted to keep this holiday a part of our family. So I stepped back, prayed for peace and trusted God to lead.
This year, thanks to one of my dearest friends, I came across a book that really helped me to officially let go and use this holiday time to be a fun way to teach about Christ! So now we have new holiday traditions we are establishing in our home! It has truly been a blessing!

What a joy it is use this holiday to share with others about Christ! What a way to reach out to my neighbors to share about the Christ of Christmas!!
One way we are doing this is by using the candy cane. This so far has been my favorite lesson with the boys. They are memorizing verses like "by His stripes we are healed"(Isaiah 53:5) and "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
I am enjoying this holiday season for the first time and really sharing the Joy that Christ has given me through His birth and sacrifice!! What a way to "not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans12:21)!!

Welcome to Leck Land!!

Welcome to our lives!! Each day is a chance for us to grow and learn as a family. Our lessons for the day may cover the basics of school (math, reading, writing, etc.), or character building (loving others) or developing good habits. I really feel that developing good habits make "school" much easier to do, especially with boys. Character building, well having boys will build anyone's character!! The boys are just at the beginning of learning to love each other even though they are so completely different. This learning, the brothers learning to love each other, I'm sure is going to take blood, sweat and tears for the rest of my life, after all I have boys - blood, sweat and tears just comes with them! I love that God has blessed me with my boys and with a husband that stands beside me as we teach them the lessons that will help them become the men God created them to be.