How good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

taste and see that the Lord is good ~ Psalm 34:8

Ok, so for the last 6 years I've battled Christmas. I didn't know how to teach my kids about this holiday without letting them become greedy, selfish, all about Santa kids. I wanted it to be Christ centered, but how do I do that? Of course there were other reasons as well, pagan traditions, lying about the fat man sneaking into your house at night to give gifts and all the financial stress. So, naturally, not doing the holiday sounded really great! The only problem was that my husband did not feel it had to be that negative, he wanted to keep this holiday a part of our family. So I stepped back, prayed for peace and trusted God to lead.
This year, thanks to one of my dearest friends, I came across a book that really helped me to officially let go and use this holiday time to be a fun way to teach about Christ! So now we have new holiday traditions we are establishing in our home! It has truly been a blessing!

What a joy it is use this holiday to share with others about Christ! What a way to reach out to my neighbors to share about the Christ of Christmas!!
One way we are doing this is by using the candy cane. This so far has been my favorite lesson with the boys. They are memorizing verses like "by His stripes we are healed"(Isaiah 53:5) and "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
I am enjoying this holiday season for the first time and really sharing the Joy that Christ has given me through His birth and sacrifice!! What a way to "not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans12:21)!!


  1. Sara, this is wonderful! Your post gets me even MORE excited about celebrating! You all are creating so many wonderful memories and traditions. I LOVE it!

  2. Very great idea! I've been pondering how to go about Christmas myself. I also love how in Sunday school this year Kyleigh and Katelynn made 'candy canes' and they were told that they aren't in the shape you usually see them but they are a J for Jesus! Here's to expanding Christmas!
